Celebrating The Rat
Year Of The Rat World Rat Day Ratfest 2008
There are several events that Celebrate the Rat. Most of you have heard about the Chinese Year of the Rat. 2008 is Year of the Rat.
Have you heard of World Rat Day? That's right. Pet Rat Owners got together and gave Rats a Day. It is April 4th. Many pet rat owners and lovers get together for events. Some people use the day to raise the awareness (the whole idea) of rats as pets. You might even find a Pet Store near you with an event set up for the day.
Then there are Ratfests. Ratfest are events, usually once a year, that are again set up by rat lovers. Many have a lunch or dinner and some have an entire week end. Those that have week ends have events and games and prizes and raffles and vendors....it is a big deal.
If you have a Rat Event near you, or if you hear of a Rat Event we would sure like to help you get the work out by hosting the date and details here. It can be an event anywhere in the world. Just send us an email with the event description, mark the subject line with Rat Event... or Rat Celebration... or Ratfest Event... you get the idea.
By all means, get to know other rat loving people by attending any events in your area.
Year Of The Rat
Yes, you read it right....Year Of The Rat....well? At least in China.
The Chinese have a 12 year calendar with animals as each years hosts. Each has attributes. This year is Year Of The Rat. It won't be again for 12 years. So our little pets will surely have much notarity this year and hopefully with the movie Ratatouille coming out last fall, more people will learn what great pets a rat can be.
We do have some really cute Year of the Rat type earrings for sale in our "store". We also have some cute little Year of the Rat Outfits for pet ratties to wear. On our www.smallanimalfun.com site we also have mouse clothes called "Dream Big" Year of the Rat clothing.
Some Interesting Information Found on the Internet
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rat Years of Rat (Shu Lian): 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Being the first animal sign in the Chinese horoscope, the Rat is considered a symbol of opportunity and good prospects in Chinese culture. The Rat in eastern culture is revered for its quick wits and its ability to accrue and hold on to items of value. The Rat has very bright personality and most likely to have high achievement in life, especially wealth. However, the Rat needs to avoid over selfish and greedy. The Rat knows exactly where to find solutions and can take care of himself or herself and others. The Rat's sharp and charm nature, funny demeanor make it an appealing friend for others. The Rat usually can achieve abundant when get to middle-aged and accumulate great wealth or get to high position as growing older; However, if fate is destructed by unlucky star, the Rat could be rich but may not reach perfect happiness.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Rat - Characters
People born in the Year of the Rat are intelligent, intuitive. They have superior ability to adapt to the environment. They are optimistic in nature, thus popular among friends. They are energetic, quick to identify potential and put their creative and clever ideas into work. However, they may appear not stable, selfish and inclined to be somewhat of an opportunist, thus unfit to serve as group leaders. Rats become more tolerant and wise as they are getting older. Strength Rats are intelligent, quick-witted, adapt to the environmental very well. Optimistic and imaginative, Rats can use their instinctive sense of observation to help others in times of need. The female are usually cute in nature, like clean especially and be able to organize the household methodically. Restless and inquisitive, Rats like to be first and at the forefront of the action. They work hard to achieve their goals and tend to lead busy lives. Rats are skillful, keen and able to take advantage of the opportunities. The Rats are noted for their charm and talent. They are compassionate, dynamic, communicative, idealistic, experimental, and usually brilliant entrepreneurs. Rats can be very generous to those they love and care for, like friends and family members. The Rats have a natural talent for the arts, specifically writing. Their ambitions are big and they are very intelligent, thus usually very successful. Weakness Rats can also be picky, selfish, exploitive, and anxious. Rats are unapologetic promoters of their own agendas. Greed can become a problem if the Rats are not careful to keep their priorities straight. Insufficient in courage sometimes, Rats may lack of leadership ability. They are also inclined to be somewhat of an opportunist. Rats could also be stubborn, bossy, opinionated, argumentative, stingy, and self-obsessed. Rats may have habits of late sleeper. They are kind-hearted but may appear impolite sometimes.
World Rat Day World Rat Day? Yes, that is right, World Rat Day. It is on April 4th of each year and celebrated around the world by rat lovers and owners everywhere. This year, The Year Of The Rat year, should turn out to be a big World Rat Day for the Pet Fancy Rat, sometimes known as rattie(s).
Many rat lovers meet up for events, some send gifts and cards, other's send a greeting on Rat elists on line on this celebrated day. It is a fun day for all, mostly the pet ratties that get special gifts and treats on World Rat Day.
There have not only been lunches, dinners and parties, but also events...rat shows, and a rat beauty contest. It is all about the fun of owning a rat, and spreading the news to others. Rats make great pets. They are smart, can be taught to do tricks and tasks and to come when called. They are clean and inexpensive. (see our Ratties as Pets page at this website for more information) Rat owners are a friendly bunch that would like for folks to learn that the pet they are so proud of is as far removed from wild rats as a dog is from a wolf.
So remember, World Rat Day is on April 4 so if you know someone with a Pet Fancy Rat send them an email, card, gift or T-Shirt. If you are able, organize a World Rat Day Lunch or Dinner or Event. Contact your local Pet Store they may just want you to come and talk to the folks about pet rats...or shall we say Rats as Pets. They may have you bring your rattie to show off to the people to show them what great pets rats can be. I am betting that if you asked your local schools (especially Elementary) they would be thrilled for you to bring in your pets and talk about them to the kids.
Whatever you do on that day, enjoy the day, enjoy your rats!! Make it a special day.
Upcoming World Rat Day in this Year of the Rat
Please let us know if you have shows or events that you would like to have listed here. Also, send us photos after and we will be happy to show them off for you here.
The contents of this page for Year Of The Rat and World Rat Day is still under construction. Please check back later! Photos coming soon!!
What is a RatFest? Ratfest are events, usually once a year, that are again set up by rat lovers. Many have a lunch or dinner and some have an entire week end. Those that have week ends have events and games and prizes and raffles and vendors....it is a big deal.
The Agile Rat would love to tell the world about your Ratfest event. Email us the details and we will post them here.
Listed By Countries in Alphabetical order
CT I have been looking over your web site and especially the page about World Rat Day and RatFests. I thought I would let you know about the North East RatFest, since I am the hostess! It is held at my house, in Conn. every summer, usually in July, but sometimes in August. We have a whole weekend full of food, fun, games, contests, crafts, prizes, demos, rat items for sale, fireworks and stories about rats. No outside rats are allowed, but MY rats are always available for hugs and cuddles. We have people attend from Maine to New Jersey and as far west as Pennsylvania. We've even had guests from Florida and Michigan! Many people stay overnight in hotels. This summer will be our SEVENTH event! You can read about past RatFests at our web site (which needs updating!):http://www.geocities.com/neratfest/home.html Cathy
SD There are a couple of people working to get a RatFest set up in Rapid City, late Spring.